And now for something a little different!
One of the things I love about being a celebrant is the variety of people and ceremonies.
Okay some of you will have to read this twice but not long ago I was privileged to officiate at the Marriage of Linde…. to herself. Yes, you read it right, Linde married herself. The ceremony, although not legal, was an important milestone for Linde (and a first for me)

Linde in all her gorgeous glory
For a long time Linde said she, like many others, believed she would finally be happy when she had the ‘perfect relationship’ with another person. Time and self awareness led her to realise the only person she really truly needed was herself. Linde declared loudly and proudly, she did not need any one else to make her whole. The only person she needed to be married and committed to, was herself.

Peta and Linde at Linde’s special ceremony
Linde’s very unique ceremony, celebrated not only her marriage to herself, but also blended in elements of a significant birthday, retirement, transition, marriage and even funeral themes. There were candles, balloons, flowers, ribbons, colour, laughter, music and fun. What an amazing day for an amazing woman!
Donella and Rainer had a lot of fun, as did their guests, when they chose a Steampunk theme for their wedding at Old St Michaels in Corban’s Estate Henderson.

Rainer and Donnella’s Steampunk Themed Wedding
Okay, I have to admit that I had a bit of fun dressing up too.

Steampunk fun
You don’t need to marry to celebrate your love. Maria and Russell renewed their wedding Vows in front of family and friends, at Hibiscus Coast Boat Club.

Russell & Maria’s Renewal of Vows
They incorporated lighting of candles, a handfasting and also drinking a delicious Sth African drink (Amarula Gold) from a Scottish Quaich – How’s that for symbolism!

Russell & Maria’s symbolism ++
Also choosing to renew their wedding Vows in front of family and friends were Mike and Mel. They were celebrating their 40th wedding anniversay! They included a lovely sand blending, in their ceremony held at the Brigham, Whenuapai.

Mike and Mel’s Renewal of Vows
Finally and quite recently, I officiated at the Naming ceremony of the truly delightful Ruby. It was the most fun and colourful party I’d been to in ages.

Ruby with her Mum -Jenna, & Dad – Jared
I love Ruby’s family, and was honoured to have married her Mum and Dad (Jenna and Jared) 2 1/2 years ago. It’s nice to reminise

Jared and Jenna’s wedding (2 1/2 years ago)